Guilherme Santiago
I'm a developer with 8 years of experience who loves working with
front-end, mobile apps and
I currently work as mobile developer at
ParanĂ¡ Banco
building awesome apps with React, React Native, Typescript, Jest and
other cool stuff.
- 2020-present
Mobile developer working with React and React Native apps, including
technologies like Jest, React Testing Library, Styled Components,
Typescript, etc. We also work with microfrontends and monorepos
structures with custom npm modules like the UI lib for the company's
design system for example.
- 2016-2020
Front-end developer working with React, Styled Components,
WordPress, Stylus, SASS, PHP and other web technologies.
In my last year at Polvo, I also worked with React Native apps,
developing cool apps like
5' Minutes Meditation
and some other minor apps.
- 2014-2016
FG1 is a small agency where I started my career as web developer.
There, I worked building responsive websites through PSD layouts
using tools like HTML5, CSS3, LESS, Stylus, PHP, AngularJS, etc.